Elizabeth Jochum
Elizabeth Jochum is an associate professor at Aalborg University and heads the RELATE Research Laboratory for Art and Technology. Her research uses the visual and performing arts as catalysts for re-thinking how we design and implement robots and other assistive technologies across society. From industrial robots to exoskeletons, her work focuses on developing creative, value-sensitive and human-centered approaches to developing and implementing robots to ensure the technologies we build address the real needs of people. Jochum’s work involves transdisciplinary collaboration in human-robot interaction, health, and engineering. Her research focuses on critical and creative approaches to health and wellbeing, with an emphasis on dance and disability, and advocate principles of STEAM (STEM + Art) to arrive at more integrated research approaches. She co-founded the ROCA Robot Culture and Aesthetics group at University of Copenhagen, teaches on the Erasmus Mundus Media Art Cultures faculty, and is a member of AAU Robotics. She coordinates the Erasmus+ ABRA project on Artificial Biology, Robotics, and Art. www.abra-hub.net www.relate.aau.dk

The Dynamic Still, (pictured Sandro Masai) investigates what it means for people and robots to move together. Live performance becomes a testbed for exploring the dynamics of human-robot interaction and how studying how movement makes meaning.